Saturday, August 20, 2011


Ok, so i have tried to update my blog like 3 times and I either get stuck, or it won't upload the pictures. So, just getting to the meat of the post. Pictures.
Walls so far. :)

Lockers labeled with the homework grid. For every homework turned in they get a sticker in one square of the grid.  When they fill it up, they get to choose a prize from the treasure box.

My apple basket on my door! Love it! I weaved it myself with brown and manila paper then laminated it.
The full effect! :) Mrs. Rosie helped me put it together.
  Heres a better picture of the other wall that you cant see on these pics. Just click on the date & time stamp and it will direct you, then click on the pic link and you can see it. :O)

Snap shot of my room so far
8/19/11 5:50 PM

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOUR DOOR!!! It came out so cute. :) I've always liked the tree decoration that teachers make but I haven't seen one with apples before. I'm also loving those multi-colored drawer organizers. I'd like to get one for our schoolroom when I'm able to. The room is shaping up wonderfully. I'm attempting to make a bulletin board wall in our room. It's my first time doing such a thing so I hope it comes out good.
    Keep those pictures coming!
    Oh, I came across these blogs and thought they might interest you:

    This one is a bunch of teachers blogging & this week they will be doing special themed posts each day:
