Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Jaylee! :o)

So this past Thursday, Jaylee completed her first year of life! Incredible how time fly's!  I love this baby and taking pictures of her too (as you will see)

"Hi blog world!"
"I'm turning 1 today and everyone was invited."
"It's at Chucky Cheese!"
"What?! you didn't get an invite?! Mooooom!"
"No worries, you'll catch all the action here!"
"Oh look! there's a cute curly haired girl in that glass....hi!"
"This is my uncle Kemel, he's pretty funny for a bald guy!"
"Mommy wants me to play on the Chucky Cheese rides, but I'm not feeling this Barney fellow"
"Chucky Cheese is not doing anything for me either. Are we done here?"
"Now this is fun! Heeey! it"s my turn to throw the ball!"
"Worked up an appetite. This sure beats baby food!"
"All my church friends having pizza too!"
"Did you say Peek-a-Boo?! I'm the local expert!"
"Watch this! 'Where's Jaylee?'"
"There she is! (my cousin Michelle taught me how)"
"Photo op time with my cousin Kemel Jr."
"The best part of a party - CAKE!"
"I LOOOVE cake!"
"Hey! Raise the roof for cake!"
"Round of applause for the Chocolate Cake!"
"Oh boy. It's a giant mouse. Should i be worried?"
"That mouse is dancing and I'm ready to get out of this high chair."
"Time for the gifts!"
"I wonder how many dresses I'll get?"
"Yeppii for all my gifts!" (Jaylee would clap after every gift was opened!)
"Yeeiii.....*yawn*....I'm loosing steam mommy!"
"One of the favorites by far!"
Well, that was Jaylee and her first party ever! Hope you all enjoyed a little deviation from the regular fair on here.

I will have more pictures of my room as I add more and more classroom management and routines components as the year progresses.  I am very happy to announce that I have only 20 children this year! (so far, keeping fingers crossed) But since it seems that none of my years can be 'normal', I have one child that is profoundly hearing impaired. Not sure yet if he will remain in my class the entirety of the year but so far he will be. So I will be wearing a head-set to speak into and he will be wearing a device hooked up to his ears to facilitate him hearing me as I teach....should be interesting. :) Sweet kid though.

Well, that's all for now folks!
Have a Great and Restful Sabbath!


  1. hey honey, this post was super funny! i enjoyed it quite a bit, i know u put hard work into it, and u like it when i comment you :)

    Had alot of fun that night, Jaylee has gotten so big and cute!

  2. So I finally managed to find it lol it was hilarious! You owned it wth the "quotes" lol.

  3. Thanks Victor! I thought so too! :o) I enjoyed it and she has so many different faces that say just that!
