Been a while and I happen to have some free time to blog and so here I am.
Staring at a blank screen. Having so much on my mind, but so little that I can say.
All I can say is that, God is the only constant. And that, somehow, in the end it will all be worth it. Somehow.
Now for some pics of a simpler time.
Me at about 1 or 2 years old in a pass port pic from my trip to Spain with my parents. |
Me at about 4years old, Pre-K class pic. Don't let the angelic face fool you. :) |
Me at 5years old in Kindergarten class pic. Drastic hair color change no? |
Me in at about 8 years old. Second grade picture. My mother insisted i show teeth, why i ask?! |
Me at 9 years old, third grade. Turning point year for me and the toughest for my teacher! |
My sweet baby brother in kindergarten (5years old). So much tortured wisdom in his big blue eyes. Even then. |
Childhood. It can be a rough time for many, but mine was pretty stable and sheltered. Full of love and safe fun with my family. I hope to give my children even a sliver of that.
Hey there! It's been a while since I've visited your blog & I'm just now catching up. I've been busy with life and the blog world has been put on the back burner for a few weeks while I try and keep up with everything around me. :)
ReplyDeleteI love looking at childhood photos and reminiscing of how simple life was as a child. When I was a teen, I couldn't wait to be old enough to work, drive, buy my own things, make my own decisions, etc. Now, I sometimes wish I could be a kid again. Since that is impossible, I'm just going to have to make sure my kids grow up in a loving, safe, fun, environment that kids should have.
Thank you Lisa!! I lone commenter!
ReplyDeleteI agree wholeheartedly! The idea is to create an environment that they remember with fondness and also wish they could go back to...just like we do! :o)
I enjoyed the pictures (:
i want to go to Spain!
Thanks for stopping by guys! I am always supper excited to see people actually commenting on my poor little blog! :)
ReplyDeleteChildhood is wonderful!!
Spain is on my short list of places to visit before I die too!