It's about time! I know! I am so excited to have a new camera and even more for the quality that this one has! It has 16.2 mega pixels!! Almost triple what I had before and man does it show! I think you will agree. :o) are new pictures i took today of my class and a few classroom management/ organization techniques I use That you might enjoy.
This is a picture of the entrance. Much less busy than last year and I'm liking that. Finally put up some student work for Open House last night. |
The area from which i do most of my teaching. (Circle Time) The large clear boxes have the books that I will be using for the theme I'm currently on. The Lazy Lady Bug is there....she helps me teach, when she wants to. ;) |
This is the puzzle center table (for now) and the Sensory Table in the back to the left. I have pinto beans in it now with a variety of 'treasures' hidden in there that they have to use their 'senses' to find and sort in clear little bottles. |
These are the baskets I decided to use this year as their children's mail boxes. Here they keep their Take-Home Folders and I place their work or anything I want them to take home. They share their basket with a partner, the one they sit with. |
This is the Construction Center. The children are only allowed to play with what is on TOP of the table. I rotate the materials about every 2 weeks, depending on their interest, popularity, or the theme for the week. |
One technique i use for crowd control on the centers (especially this one), is the picture clue of how many people can be there at one time. I put up the gingerbread men and the dots and the number. Plus, beneath the Center sign I have slots with black velcro dots where the children will place their name/face to show that they have chosen this center. Once the name/faces reach the Stop Sign, the center is full and no one else can play there at that time. Self correcting, although I have a few creative ones that try to get away with placing their face on the ledge there...:o) |
This is the Kindness Tree. It is part of the discipline system (Conscious Discipline) that I am using in my classroom this year. I am enjoying it more than I thought, to be honest. And so far so good with the results. The tree functions in this way: The children have learned a different behavior that we have promised to commit to every week (ie. Kind words, helping hands, big voice, etc.) If I catch them doing any of these things, they get to place a heart on our kindness tree. (the hearts are velcro'd on) The hearts are taken off and we start again every week. |
This is student work that I displayed about brushing our teeth. Mine is the big white chart paper that i used to model and talk about keeping out teeth clean etc. I love the sticky back chart paper! I simply tear it off and stick it up anywhere to display. Instant print rich environment! |
This is my Classroom helper chart. It is pretty much self explanatory, but a fun feature is that as you can tell, that is not my whole class there as helpers. This is because some children are not ready to be any kind of helper just yet, and so the rest that aren't 'working' in the classroom are 'on vacation'. :) No one feels bad. |
Close up. I created this last year and laminated everything, so i just had to whip those babies out and presto!: Helper chart assembled. :) |
This is my Bilingual Pairs Chart. The children on the left column are more English dominant and the right are Spanish dominant. They will eventually have a blue or red border to denote this fact. (blue-English, red - Spanish) |
Close up. It's still a work in progress and it will not be the same partners all year. It should be fluid. | |
i really like what you've done with the room, looks a lot more organized and kid friendly :) Your doing a wonderful job teaching them, and there lucky to have a great teacher