Tuesday, August 30, 2011

UPdAte! :o)

Ok, so i was plodding along happily with my camera clicking away and posting to my blog right....when my camera breaks!!  I was in the middle of taking new pictures of my class and all the new things I have added, when I accidentally dropped it.   Seems that was one time too many.....(not the first time this happens). So, no pictures to post, but not all is bleak - My husband ordered me my new SONY camera!!! It should get here in the mail Saturday....maybe.  So I'm super excited!

On other news, my class roster was down to 19 yesterday and since that simply wont do, my principal somehow dug up more 4year olds.....just not Hispanic ones that would be in bilingual education.  So currently have 19 Hispanic children, most of which are non-English speakers, and one African American child who is non-Spanish speaking.  Quite something I tell you!  She was fine till about 1 hour in, she decided she was ready to go back home now.  She started to cry and wouldn't stop!  Lunch rolls around and she's fine again, but come nap time...she was having none of it!  After getting screamed at, pushed, kicked, and even slapped....I managed to make her believe that when i said "You WILL sit there!" I meant it.  She cried some more but when she was thoroughly ignored, she simply stopped.
The class was finally down, room dark, soft Vivaldi playing..... she asks "My momma comin'?"  I calmly reply, "Yep, at 2 o'clock" She nods; and the next thing i noticed she's leaded over onto the bed and is sound asleep.  Not a bit of trouble to me after that. :)

In case your wondering, no she will not be taught in Spanish, I will be sending her to another Pr-K teacher that will be teaching her all her Literacy and Science instruction in English, and she will be with me for the Math instruction, which I do in English anyway. :) Everyone is happy!
I will be getting two more tomorrow....will keep you guys posted.


  1. Mitch!!! You got slapped and kicked?? The kids can do that to you??!! Im actually pretty shocked.. Lol.

  2. Yes Sr! That is true. They can. It's not like I was expecting it, or else i might have deflected it or at least gotten out of the way. Ans you can't hit them back! hahhaaa!!
    That one even swore she would sick her 'grannie' on me!!! If i wasn't so irritated, i might have laughed!
    Oh, the stories I could tell!
