Well this last week was Red Ribbon Week at school and each day was something new to celebrate being Drug Free. It made for a really fast paced week and alot of interruptions but it as fun for the kids too.
:o) Here are a few pictures to share!
Wear Red Shirt Day ........ silly faces everyone! |
Story-book Parade Costumes. :o ) |
How many Spidermans do you see? |
Here are some pictures of them working in centers .... they are getting more and more independent everyday. I am so happy that they are warming up to me and talking to me more of their own volition and taking control of their learning. I am also doing my first bettery of testing and I am seeing the ones that are gonna be needing more help ....and also the ones that are higher.
Christopher, " Martine-th, I made a pattern." |
Anissa in the puzzle center, first puzzle done completely alone. |
Anabel lacing beads. Such a lady but so serious. :o) |
Miguel, Martin, and Esmeralda made a garage building. |
Jacob and Martin, "Tines, es una torre." |
Luis (the boss), learning to lace. |
Sweet Nahomy doing her favorite thing, putting puzzles together. |
Coloring the Letter M pictures. Miguel is still working on holding the crayons correctly. |
Eduardo reading in the science center. |
Miguel and Anissa shopping in the Pretend and Play Center. |
Nataly chanting hte Sonidos Iniciales Chant all by herself in the ABC Center. |
Christopher in the Computer Center. His favorite. |
Well the party at my house started around 630 (game time was 700). The guests: Renito, Alex, Noel, Kenneth, Joyce and the kids, Steve and Jaennette, Bryan and Mel, Mom and Dad. :o) After about an hour, all the guys stayed int eh living rooma dn hte girls were on my bed talking and atuff while i finished my lesson plans and posting this! hahahhaa!
Menu: Ball Park franks and chips plus yummy home made cake and Banana Split icecream.
Here are a few pics. :o)
Serious and Subdued. 2-0 Giants :o( |
Kenito, playing Sonic and the guys looking worried... |
Kimberly too shy to look at the camera. (remind me of Lylita) |
So far the game is still at 2-0 but I hope the Rangers win. They have too! It's my party!
I will post later what happened.
Im pooped! Getting ready to get in my pj's.....
God Bless!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the comments you've left on the blog. You've got such cute kiddo's in your class this year! Classroom looks great too. Always so rewarding to see that they are learning and progressing.
Isaac would have loved to watch the game at your house with the guys. We watched it a friends house. So sad that they lost. :o( If they don't step up tomorrow, it's over. Keeping our fingers crossed. That could easily be Lylah in the picture. Their hair is so similar in color and style. Saw pictures of the lock in on Facebook. Looks like every thing turned out very well. I've been to every lock in since we started them. First year I miss it. A bit sad for us but I do agree that life simply goes on. I really never thought I could lead a normal life anywhere other than Texas, but I was wrong. Lots has changed in my life, but also so much has stayed the same. My daily routine is almost identical to my old one. Still teaching the kids, picking up after them, cleaning the house, washing the clothes, cooking, shopping at Walmart, etc. Still sit at the same dining table with my dear hubby and children every night for dinner and sleep in the same bed.
Staying busy helps so much. It's only when I sit in silence with my thoughts that I feel the deep ache inside and the intense longing to be with those I love.
What brings the tears around the most is to think of the children, that they'll grow up away from family and their little friends. Believe it or not, I've cried because they can't go to your class on Saturday's anymore. That is something that they looked forward to and enjoyed so much; they learned so much there. It does bring comfort to see them adjusting so well to life here but even that saddens me a bit, because I know that means they are slowly forgetting about their life over there. Isaac D. is older and will remember the most but....I remember very little of my life before age five so I'm assuming Jason and Lylah will forget a lot. I work hard at keeping their memories alive but inevitably time will take it's toll. Continue to pray for us please.
Love ya'll bunches and can't wait for Christmas time! The kids are so excited. Say hi to Henwy for me (and Lylah!) :o)
Aww... yeah. I dont rememebr much either from when I was younger than 5. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteBut maybe kids suffer less than we think. Who knows? My mom tells me of things that i cried over alot when i was little and I can't even recall the feeling. So...they are resileant creatures, kids are. :o)
We are already planning our Christmas shopping and your kids are at the top of that list! Walmart has all Christmas stuff out now! Can u believe these people? Gee.
It may see silly but I am sorta aprehensive about seeing Lylah and the boys again. Like I am scared that their reaction wont be what mine would be or what i would want... you know? Like I think maybe they will be shy with us and not want to be with us or to be held etc... since they havn't seen us in so long. I think that would be sad, but I dont want us to make them feel like they did something wrong if that is their natural reaction. you know? Maybe I'm just working myself up over nothing.
I keep a younger pic of Lylita on my desk top. The round baby cheeks, the up-turned top lip and the sweet curls on her neck.... makes me wish I had done more with them now that they are gone...
No one asks me for my phone anymore, no one asks why and why and why about everything...
My class just isin't the same without them. And Lylita will never be in my class. Taking her off my up-coming class list was ....hard.
We will definetly go for the summer. We are looking at 2 weeks or so, if that's not too much trouble, now that you have extra house guests. Im sure it is more crowded than you had anticipated. Let us know when would be a good time.
Just realized i posted all this on my own blog!
What a doofus!