Saturday, August 27, 2011

Show casing...cont..

OK, so my blog isn't too happy with the copy and pasted photo from twitter I posted previous... not sure what the deal is... so i have to post again to put up the other pic I have.
Mrs. Rosie is super creative and imaginative. She can create almost anything she see's in in her minds eye with paper! I have been so impressed that i jokingly told her I would show case her on my blog and then be her manager as the orders and money would roll in for her expertise! :)
It's truly incredible the amount of detail she can put in to each piece!
Here's another example:

This is the adjacent wall to the previous one. She made the calendar herself and added the sun behind it.  She saw it in a catalog and re-created it herself for Free! the white dots are velcro dots.  The chalkboard is from a catalog product well as the backpack. All by hand!  More to come soon!


  1. I love this woman's ideas! She sure is one crafty gal. :) I've been inspired by her letter of the week idea and I came up with my own idea but still need to get it laminated. Decorating the classroom must be one of the funnest aspects of the new year. :)

  2. It is Lisa! Just wish we had a full week! :o) We only get 1 official day from the district, but our principal gives us 2 more. :o)

    She is great! Yes, laminating makes it last forever. :o)
