Sunday, December 5, 2010

Early Sunday Morning...

I agree, no one should be up this early on a Sunday. 745am?!  What?! I know, I know, I can explain.
Last Sunday was the first time I was able to log onto Skype to take part of an Education Department Meeting with many people from around the continent.  Yes, very cool.
But they decided on this un-godly hour to meet!  I guess it works the best for the varied time zones, but man!  It's killing my "catch up on lost sleep" plan.
Anyway, the meeting are laborious and slow since the connections are not that great and there tends to be allot of static and interference. Right now, we are trying to connect using hot mail.... somehow because when it's too many on the skype system it over loads it or something.  I'm not very sure what the issue is really.... I am not technologically savvy so I couldn't say for sure what it all was.
Now just sitting here waiting....nothing is happening ..... and finally we just give up after an hour because that was the allotted time for the meeting. >sigh< a morning i could have slept in!!!

Well, that's it folks.

Now i am wide awake, unable to fall back asleep.  I guess I will work. Lessonplans to finish.... *yawn*
